Business Opportunity Docking | Hainan FTP - South and Southeast Asia Economic and Trade Promotion Exchange Meeting held
classification:Press Releases release time:2024-07-01 16:38:01 author: Windows to Global Trade source: Windows to Global Trade

On the afternoon of June 23, guided by Hainan Provincial International Economic Development Bureau (Hainan IEDB) and co-sponsored by Hainan United Airlines Travel Group Co., LTD and Hainan Free Trade Zone Global Trade Window to Global Trade Management Co., LTD., the "Hainan Free Trade Port - South Asia and Southeast Asia Economic and Trade Promotion Exchange Meeting" was held in Haikou Global Trade Window Building (short as “WGT”). The activities focused on the cooperation between relevant countries and Hainan in tourism, aviation, overseas education, human resources, food and other aspects.


The overseas delegation visited the Window of Global Trade One-stop Service Center


The overseas delegation visited the boutique exhibition hall on the 30th floor of WGT


The event invited more than 30 representatives from South Asia, Southeast Asia, including India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Singapore and Hainan enterprises to attend.


Ding Jiabin, chairman of Hainan United Airlines Travel Group


Wan Ming, chairman of Window to Global Trade

At the promotion meeting, Ding Jiabin, chairman of Hainan United Airlines Travel Group, and Wan Ming, chairman of WGT. delivered speeches respectively, expressing warm welcome to the foreign guests, introducing the advantages and market potential of Hainan Free Trade Port, and conveying Hainan's willingness to continue to expand opening up and strengthen overseas trade cooperation.


Representative of Singapore


Representative of India


Representative of Nepal


Representative of Bangladesh

Representatives of relevant enterprises from Singapore, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and other countries introduced their respective characteristic industries and cooperation intentions to the participants. Tourism industry representatives from India, Nepal and Singapore jointly said that Hainan has superior eco-tourism resources, and tourism as a major industry in Hainan has continued to promote economic growth in recent years, and overseas tourism companies can link more tourist resources and in-depth cooperation with Hainan in high-end tourism, medical care and other fields. It can also increase the convenience of business travelers by adding direct flights and optimizing the visa process. The representative of the Bangladesh education company expressed the willingness to strengthen cooperation with Hainan in studying abroad education, so as to achieve more convenience for the exchange of talents and human resources between the two sides.


Special promotion session of Hainan IEDB


Special promotion session of WGT

Hainan IEDB and WGT respectively made special presentations, introducing the industrial advantages and preferential policies of Hainan Free Trade Port in detail. WGT introduced the construction background of Hainan's two headquarters bases, the overseas institutions and enterprise formats of the building, and the one-stop service supporting for overseas enterprises to invest in Hainan. WGT provides professional service guarantee for overseas enterprises to enter the Chinese market through Hainan, and Chinese enterprises to invest overseas through Hainan.




During the exchange, representatives from Hainan gave detailed answers and in-depth communication on cooperation issues concerning tourism, aviation, logistics, talent education, halal food and other fields concerned by foreign enterprises.


This promotion meeting has built a platform for face-to-face communication between Hainan enterprises and South Asia, Southeast Asia, to promote pragmatic cross-border trade and investment cooperation between the two sides.

In the next step, WGT will continue to follow up the investment cooperation needs of participating enterprises, do a good job of one-stop full-process service, and promote the effective docking of resources and the landing of project investment. Continue to help the construction of Hainan's two headquarters bases, promote high-level "going out" and high-quality "introduction", and help the quality and efficiency of Hainan Free Trade Port to attract foreign investment develop steadily through the long-term construction of an international business opportunity docking platform.