Communications | China (Haikou)- Netherlands (Meppel) Economic and Trade Exchange Meeting Successfully Held in WGT
classification:Press Releases release time:2024-05-30 15:04:15 author: Windows to Global Trade source: Windows to Global Trade


On the morning of April 17th , the exhibitors and the study group of the 4th China International Consumer Products Expo and the delegation from the  Meppel city of Netherlands participated in the China (Haikou)- Netherlands (Mepel) Economic and Trade Exchange Meeting co-sponsored by the Windows to Global Trade( Short as “WGT”) and the  Bank of China Hainan Branch, learned about the policy advantages of Hainan FTP , and had in-depth exchanges with Chinese enterprises.


At the exchange meeting, the delegation of 8 people had a detailed understanding of the talents, shipping, tourism, energy and other aspects of Hainan FTP, and docking with 9 local enterprises. Invited by WGT and Bank of China Hainan Branch , representatives from Harboor & Shipping Holding Co.,Ltd, Haikou Yongqi Environmental Protection Equipment Technology Co.,Ltd.(Haikou Water Group), Hainan Technician College,  Nanhai Pearl Cruises Co.,Ltd, Minsheng Piping Gas Co.,Ltd., Compass Human Resources (Hainan) Co.,Ltd. and other related enterprises attended the meeting.


Wan Ming, Chairman of WGT Gave a Speech

At the meeting, Wan Ming, chairman of WGT, warmly welcomed the arrival of the Meppel City delegation, thanked the Bank of China Hainan Branch for its strong support and coordination of this activity, and then introduced the advantageous policies of Hainan FTP, key industries and the development of Hainan and the Netherlands related industries. The relevant person in charge of WGT made a project promotion.


Promotion by WGT


Delegation from Meppel city of Netherlands

Klaas Johannes de Vries, Vice Mayor of Meppel City, introduced the cooperation demands of the group members , and shared the feelings of participating in the Hainan Expo for the first time. He said that the delegation was composed of the city government of Meppel, the Port Zwolle, as well as related enterprises such as port logistics, industrial shipbuilding, biomedicines, educational colleges and foundations. This year's Expo was impressive. Through this opportunity of inspection activities, the group members fully feel the friendly attitude of Hainan's opening up to the outside world, and hope that this visit can serve as the beginning of friendly cooperation between the two sides.


Leader of Bank of China Hainan branch Gave a Speech

Leaders of the Bank of China Hainan Branch made a brief introduction to the global distribution of Bank of China and the development of the cross-border business opened to the outside world of Hainan Branch.


Speech by the Head of the Dutch Logistics Company Fritom


Speech by the Leader of Hainan Harboor & Shipping Holding Co.,Ltd


Speech by the Leader of Nanhai Pearl Cruises Co.,Ltd


Warm Exchange between WGT and Dutch Company Fritom


Chairman of WGT and Vice Mayor of Meppel City

In the enterprise exchange session, the participating enterprises of both sides introduced their main businesses and further discussed the intention of cooperation. Dutch International Logistics company expressed its hope to seek partners in China through Hainan, and seek cooperation opportunities with Chinese logistics and energy enterprises in green, low-carbon and sustainable development. The Chinese companies introduced the situation of Hainan's ports and shipping routes, future development plans and cooperation in building shipyards. At the same time, WGT gives full play to the advantages of the business opportunity docking platform, according to the business docking needs of the Dutch delegation, in the aspects of health food, international education, high-tech cooperation and so on, and said that WGT can further help enterprises to connect with the Chinese market, promote the establishment of business offices between the two sides, and accelerate the progress of cooperation between the two companies.